ISO 17025 Quality Manual ISO 17025 Quality Manual Template

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


4.4 Review of Requests, Tenders, and Contracts

Once testing/calibration work has commenced and the contract needs to be amended, the same contract review process must be repeated.
Amendments are communicated to all affected personnel.

Friday, April 21, 2006


4.4 Review of requests, tenders and contracts

Any deviation from the contract must involve communication to the customer.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


4.4 Review of requests, tenders and contracts

Subcontracted work by the lab must also be reviewed.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


4.4 Review of Requests, Tenders, and Contracts


The lab must maintain records of request, tender and contract review. This would also include any significant changes and discussions with the customer.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


4.4 Review of requests, tenders and contracts


The lab must establish and maintain a PROCEDURE for the review of requests, tenders and contracts.

Policies and procedures ensure the:
- methods to be used are adequately defined, documented and understood
- lab has the capability and resources to meet the requirements
- appropriate method is selected and capable of meeting customer requirements

Differences between the request/tender and contract are resolved before work starts.

Bottom line:
The contract must be acceptable to the lab and customer.

Friday, April 14, 2006


4.3 Document Control / 4.3.3 Document Changes

Computerized Documents
Documents in computerized systems also have to be controlled.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


4.3 Document Control / 4.3.3 Document changes

Amendments by Hand - the lab must decide on a policy for whether to allow hand-written amendments or not.

If these are allowed they must be clearly marked, initialled and dated.

It is suggested that a formal document be formally re-issued ASAP.

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